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Friday, 03 August 2018

Coral: amid myth and variety, for lucky charm jewellery

Coral: amid myth and variety, for lucky charm jewellery

Historically coral has always evoked ancient myths and idyllic landscapes: in fact, popular tradition saw it as an effective antidote against scorpion venom and, more simply, it has always been used to create particular and colourful lucky charms, from marine or imaginary animals to flowers to embellish necklines and hands.

Coral, with its spellbinding hues, brings with it infinite and highly varied images that are particularly interwoven into Italian culture. Understandably so since the seas surrounding Italy have been the natural habitat for these wonders for years.
If, on the one hand, the more subtle colours have their own particular charm and, according to experts, even combat irritability and fear, the warning from biologists that coral is progressively losing its natural red colour due to global warming, should also be underlined.
Mediterranean coral ought now to be protected: starting from the famous Sciacca coral discovered on the seabed 1875.

Nowadays coral is for connoisseurs, collectors and true experts, many of which boast an authentic family tradition handed down from generation to generation. In the 1930s, and again later in the '70s, this material underwent a bona fide Rebirth, particularly if combined with onyx, diamonds, turquoise or amethyst.

This summer it is back on the catwalks with the creativity of designers like Fausto Puglisi who, for the new collection, has favoured black and white with the only other hint of colour being variations of coral in a bright and intense red, the symbol of creativity.
Coral was also a key player at the last edition of VICENZAORO January 2018 in the “Green and Blue Jewellery, Environmentally Sustainable Luxury” event organized by CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, which dealt with the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility in the jewellery industry.
Particular attention was placed on the marine world where the production of sustainable gems is now a reality and could act as a herald for a new way to approach this sector in respect and for the protection of the environment and all its precious resources.

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