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Monday, 31 August 2020

D&sign srl: ideas and designs for the jewellery trade

D&sign srl: ideas and designs for the jewellery trade

D&sign srl specialises in designing and creating jewellery stores, but also in the manufacture of fittings, supplies, display stands and showcases for jewellers. This all-Italian company designs, develops and produces furnishings, fittings, and store space for jewellers: “Our ideas, concepts and designs are created for the functional and operational use of every element, from lighting, to fittings, showcases and display stands”.

Each element has been designed for everyday store use, integrating it with the style and design tones that are such a key part of Made in Italy. Redesigning spaces, large and small, becomes a meeting of minds, able to add to the experience of customer and designer alike, as they work together to find solutions that will showcase the very best of the items on display, including jewellery, watches, and other accessories.

Discover D&sign Srl

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