Fope: growth and increase of the Vicenza headquarters

It is a year of strong growth and new projects for Fope, which closed 2018 with a 11.5% increase in turnover to 31.23 million and which started the expansion of the production site of Vicenza at the end of the year.
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the brand, the company aims at rebranding and looks with optimism to the coming months, based on the excellent results obtained in the first quarter of 2019.
"Our jewels start at 1,500 euros to reach 40,000, we focus on goldsmith art rather than on precious stones or diamonds – Fope explains to the media -. Most of the jewels, all over the world, are still unbranded, we are fortunate to be very recognizable and to have a brand that stands out in the global scene. For this reason, although still small, we believe we have great opportunities in the American market, for example ".
The increase in the company's revenue is linked above all to the performance recorded on foreign markets, in particular European (+ 1%, led by Germany and the United Kingdom) and American (+ 24%).
«It is also important to point out the establishment of Fope Jewelry Limited, a company incorporated under English law, to support the British market, which guarantees the direct presence of the brand and greater efficiency of the interventions. Nobody knows today what will happen with Brexit, but with this company we are ready for any eventuality. If indeed the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, we will transform Fope Jewelry Limited from an agent into a distributor ".
Given the growth rates, it was also necessary to invest in the site: «2018 also saw the launch of an important project to expand the headquarters vertically, which will allow for more space to be dedicated to communication and commercial activities as well as a new area to host production departments ", explained the managing director.