Jewellery in Japan: the project

At Vicenzaoro September 2019, ICE Agenzia presented Confindustria Federorafi with a study conducted by three Japanese experts on the situation and potentialities of the Japanese market for “Made in Italy” jewellery.
A project which initially foresees market research analysis and entrepreneur training according to the Jewellery Export Lab format organized by the Italian Trade Agency’s (ICE) Training Services Office, and will then proceed with specific promotion initiatives and agreements under the guidance of the Agency’s Consumer Goods Office.
An interesting and useful moment to understand how consumers see Italian jewellery, especially in regard to the unbranded sector.
According to President Ciabatti, “the jewellery market in Japan is still 90% covered by top brands with unbranded items taking the remaining share. We are focussing on this latter share in order to boost it and increase the presence of Italian products that now export a ridiculous, less than 1% of the 6.5 billion Euros exported around the rest of the world. With the 2020 Olympics and EPA free exchange agreements between the EU and Japan, abolishing customs duties and having better communication and more qualified distribution operators at Italian trade shows like Vicenzaoro, I am sure we can nurture a “new approach” to Italian jewellery.”
The initiative is part of Jewellery Export Lab, a training course for businesses and sector entrepreneurs set up by ICE-Agenzia.