Increase in export for the goldsmithing sector

Good health for the Italian gold-silversmith-jewelry sector, which, according to Federorafi and the Confindustria Moda Study Center, saw an export growth of 6.2% in the first half of 2019.
Although Switzerland, the first outlet in terms of export value, recorded a drop of 6.5%, the United Arab Emirates are up 18.5%, and Hong Kong (+ 4.8%) and the United States are also positive (+ 7.1%).
In the first six months of 2019 there was a contraction in exports to the United Kingdom, while Germany and Spain were favorable.
Canada is up with + 66.3%.
As for the major Italian districts, Alessandria is up by 10.1% in foreign sales, Arezzo is up 11.4% and Vicenza is also up 3.4%.
There is also an increase in foreign brands and operators at Italian trade fairs, starting with VicenzaOro and OroArezzo.
The 1300 brands present in the Vicenza trade fair area have led to a 10% growth of foreign operators coming from 117 countries in the world, in line with the already positive trend of the last two editions and exceeding the January jewelry show according to IEG. Overall, the growth of foreign operators was driven by the Middle East (+ 23%), North America (+ 22%), Russia and Ukraine (+ 19%) and Asia (+ 18%) with a particular increase in Japan (+ 43%).
Europe, which remains the largest number of operators in Vicenzaoro (weighing 59%), remained stable with particularly positive signals from Portugal (+ 51%), Romania (+ 28%) and Austria (+ 9%) .