Digital production evolution in 4.0 manufacturing

DWS and InValenza are organizing an event, to be held on the first day of VicenzaOro September 2019, focused on developments in 4.0 manufacturing digital production.
The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 7th September, in Tiziano Room – Hall 7.1 – from 2.30 to 4.30 pm and will be chaired by Antonella Garello. The meeting will open with the Sant-Eligio Competition prize-winning ceremony involving 16 international institutes with awards given by IEG, the Valenza branch of the Saint Eligius Brotherhood and Vicenza and Valenza Councils.
DWS will then provide in-depth information on the theme of digital production with innovative systems such as XCluster for ceramics and semi-precious stones.
The event will close with InValenza’s focus on 4.0 industry management in the gold and jewellery industry, conducted by President Massimo Barbadoro and Massimo Sansone, Managing Director of TUV Thuringen Italy.