Thursday, 21 February 2019
No import fees for precious stones? More turnover!

During a recent episode of Rai3's Presa Diretta, dedicated to the war on import duties inaugurated by Trump, the Rimini-based Paolo Cesari, President of Cesari and Rinaldi and Assogemme - the Italian Association of Precious Stones and Affinities -, said that "Precious stones is the most important sector of Italian jewelry after the gold and silver sector, with a turnover of over 7 and a half billion and 400 thousand employees".
However, this is a sector that has suffered a major stop since 2008 with the beginning of the crisis. Thanks to sales with Canada, the turnover of the companies in the sector recorded a + 70%, Cesari closes: "In a world without import fees, this sector of ours could record a turnover increase of over one billion".