Precious shells and lucky charms

Who hasn’t collected shells, perhaps as a child at the seaside? They are beautiful, come in all kinds of shapes and with the brightest colours and make an original lucky charm to take everywhere you go.
Shells will once more be playing a leading role in jewellery and accessories this coming summer, taken di-rectly from the culture of the ‘70s: a true item of desire to buy on some exotic trip and to wear for the rest of the year with the nostalgic appeal of days gone by.
Shell is, in fact, a natural element that evokes emotions in the person wearing it. One only has to place it against an ear to “listen to the sea” and reminisce. Moreover, in some eastern cultures, it is thought of as an authentic lucky charm and well-wisher for happy travels. In the west, it is also linked to beauty especial-ly if you think about Venus, the goddess whose cradle was a shell.
For sure, this summer, high jewellery will be proposing items with shells to englobe the fascination of the abysses among souvenir bracelets, designer earrings and modern chockers with tiny, shell-shaped charms that jingle. The perfect expression of this summer trend is the Capri collection by Giovanni Raspini.
Also particularly refined is jewellery in mother-of-pearl: a precious, shiny and natural surface, ideal for jewellery and good luck because it helps the imagination and keeps negativity at bay.