Profit and technology friends of sustainability?

"We often think that sustainability can be in antithesis with profitability": this is how Marc Sondermann underlined the importance of following technological progress and at the same time public opinion, with young people in pole position, and the widespread concern for the future of the planet.
"Sustainability has been important for us since the beginning - explained Francesca Toninato, CEO of 7 For All Mankind International, which in 2020 celebrates 20 years - A choice born from the consideration of what is relevant for consumers". The company has focused on authenticity and transparency towards the consumer and the duration of a garment, an important theme for a premium-luxury brand.
The company has chosen the way of plastic free: «For 20 years we will communicate our objectives of carbon footprint, consumption of water, energy and chemical additives. Ours is a 360-degree approach, which also requires a high degree of transparency towards our employees ».
Speaking of sustainability, Save The Duck stands out particularly as a founding company of the "featherless down jacket", 100% animal free, and that has also been working for a long time to guarantee transparency also from the point of view of the worker. The end consumer must therefore be educated to understand business processes and understand what sustainability means in all these sectors.
Isko, the Turkish denim giant, ingredient brand of one of the most polluting segments in the fashion world, focuses on responsible innovation, because it is not necessary to consume less, while it is essential to work on the quality of materials and product innovation and process.