sustainability and omnichannel

Two crucial frontiers today: this is the message that emerged from the 24th Fashion Summit, organized by Pambianco and Deutsche Bank on the Italian Stock Exchange, and titled "The challenge of fashion brands between sustainability and omnichannel".
A message declined by the research presented at the conference, from the opening by David Pambianco, CEO of Pambianco, to the analyzes by Erika Andreetta, PwC partner, by Francesca Di Pasquantonio, head of global luxury research Deutsche Bank and Sara Bernabè, Planet country manager.
If omnichanneling has been active since at least the 2000s, sustainability has involved Italian companies with some delay, compared to international competitors, but realignment has arrived.
In Pambianco's research, some examples of Italian brands that in 2008 did not adopt the sustainability report emerged but, today, they have instead equipped themselves on this front.
Research has explored the behavior of this consumer, highlighting a key feature for both sustainability and omnichannel challenges: the generational shift of the market.
Leading the trends and conditioning distribution strategies are Millennials and the following generation Z, which continually raise the technological bar: today they use a home assistant to make purchases at least once a month - 17% of Millennials and 23% of generation Z.
Consumers are putting pressure on brands - said Di Pasquantonio - real luxury will be such only if sustainable. Sustainability will be a pillar of brand equity ".