Synthetic like natural?

On 20 October a meeting focused on the diamond world will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Milan.
Entitled “Sintetico come naturale?” (Synthetic like natural?”, the event will offer a broad insight into the world of synthetic diamonds. Among the many developments that have affected the sector, in particular the arrival of synthetic diamonds on the market, together with the news that one of the leading natural diamond companies had entered this field with the launch of a jewellery brand featuring “lab-grown” diamonds, caused a stir. Is a revolution coming or has it already arrived?
Ethical and economic considerations will therefore be the focus of a full day featuring a program that includes events for industry operators and the press in the morning, while in the afternoon experts from the IGI (Italian Gemological Institute) will speak to the public about the allure and secrets of what is considered to be the quintessential precious gem.
From 11 a.m. on 20 October, the following speakers will take the stage: Raffaele Maino, President of the Italian Gemological Institute, Luigi Cosma, President of Borsa Diamanti d’Italia, Maurizio Piva, Vice-President of AOL (Lombard Goldsmith Association) and President of the Stones Category, Alberto Casbelli, Secretary of Borsa Diamanti d’Italia and Vice-President of the Stones Category of AOL (Lombard Goldsmith Association), Andrea Zullino, an expert in diamonds and coloured gems, Loredana Prosperi, Director of IGI (Italian Gemological Institute), Monica Odoli, Lucia Gori, Valentina Gagliardi and Ludovica Faldi (IGI).