The FEEG Symposium, Federation for European Education in Gemmology

During the VICENZAORO January 2019 event, the IGI, Italian Gemmology Institute, will be organizing the 21st edition of the annual meeting of European gemmologists. The FEEG, Federation for European Education in Gemmology, was founded in 1995 at a meeting with twelve of the most prestigious European gemmology institutes with the aim of favouring and encouraging the mutual exchange of information and technical assistance, organizing exams that would lead to a common European qualification in gemmology and promoting partnerships and economic, social and cultural exchanges among the respective members.
The symposium, scheduled for Saturday 19th January at 10 am in Sala Tiziano, Hall 7.1, will see the participation of several top experts in the international gemmology field, like, for example, Clement Sabbagh, President of ICA, the International Coloured Stone Association, Rui Galopin de Carvalho, Vice President of Sector A and Cibjo’s Coral Commission, and Fabrizio Nestola, professor at Padua University.
The meeting will be followed by a ceremony at which the best European students and talents will receive their European Gemmologist Diplomas.