Vicenzaoro is constantly evolving: in January it changes skin but not values.

Following an in-depth analysis of the needs and trends of the jewellery world, a new image has been developed that reflects the values of Vicenzaoro: culture, elegance and modernity.Gold, for a touch of preciousness and exclusivity, Blue for elegance par excellence and Violet, a pinch of color and contemporaneity.
About a month from the inauguration of Vicenzaoro January 2019, scheduled from 18th to 23rd January, Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. (IEG) has unveiled the new brand identity of the event.The project stems from the search for a new graphic design able to recount the positioning of the Exhibition, now recognized as one of the most important worldwide in the business sector, as well as an exclusive launch window for the new creations of the most important jewellery brands.
Future-oriented and capable of instinct and vision to anticipate trends, thanks to its culture and expertise, the Vicenzaoro brand is the most qualified reference point in the industry. And it is precisely on the vision of VICENZAORO as a "cultured and refined esthete, always open to dialogue and comparison" that FutureBrand - a brand consultancy company to which IEG has entrusted the task of rebranding - has oriented the new VICENZAORO brand experience. in Italy and abroad.
"The collaboration with FutureBrand - comments Marco Carniello, Director of the Jewellery & Fashion Division of IEG - has allowed us to present the evolution of an important event like VICENZAORO, which leaves the geographical territory to position itself among the most important business events at world level, to dialogue with operators across the entire supply chain in the jewellery sector ".
The new VO monogram, which accompanies the brand name, contains in a simple graphic design the elegant personality of VICENZAORO, its being a connector of excellence and a disseminator of future trends; the soft and organic shapes, the refined blue shade that veers to violet accompanied by traces of gold are all graphic elements that give life to a contemporary brand, able to anticipate the evolution of design and fashion applied to the world of jewellery and goldsmith.