News from the brand Topcast

Topcast is a company specialized in the design and production of vacuum casting machines. The skills developed over the years in the field of thermo-processes, induction heating and power electronics, make the company the ideal partner for applications on specific customer requests.
Product versatility - adaptable to the most different production requirements - machine reliability and technical ability capable of satisfying different requests make Topcast a company to rely on in a scenario of global competitiveness.
The areas of application are: Industrial, Automotive, Aerospace, Medical, Rapid prototyping, Jewellery, Artistic Sculpture.
At T.GOLD – Vicenzaoro 2019, programmed from January 18th to 23rd, in addition to the known models of machinery for vertical casting, Topcast will showcase the induction vacuum casting machines of the TIP series designed for the manufacturing of gold and silver ingots, a new family of casting machines for continuous vacuum casting TCC, as well as TMA atomizers for the production of precious alloy powders.