Meet the buyer - Brando Valentini, vicepresident Valentini Srl

Coloured stones is the sector in which we have been operating for years with the Valentini srl brand. Rubies, sapphires and emeralds are our core business, we select the best in the world in a very wide range, which starts from infinitesimal measures such as 1 mm up to important stones, in size and value, around 30 carats. The colours are also infinite, including all possible shades and gradations.
During a trade fair such as Vicenzaoro, mostly small cuts are sold, but gems of 10 carats upwards set your quality standard and make you perceive the strength of the brand. When faced with remarkable stones, the exhibiting jewellers know that you are their ideal partner for the creation of extraordinary pieces.
It is no coincidence that in fact, it is in the months following the event that we conclude the biggest deals: companies or designers call us back explicitly asking for certain cuts and carats to build a special piece around us. This is why participating in what is in effect the only European fair is and remains an essential knot for us, for that virtuous mechanism that it is able to trigger. It's like a kind of long-term advertising investment.
Lorenza Scalisi, Editor VO+