Motives to Art

A young brand but one that knows how to draw wisely and skillfully from the past. In this latest collection by JJewels Milano, the elegance of style and manufacturing expertise take us back to the Twenties and Thirties, to classic lines and shapes that have gone down in history as Art Deco.
Jewellery that has a timeless mood in its DNA but that can also transmit an absolutely contemporary twist to the wearer. Sophisticated beauty and refined taste for the iconic Sofia collection, whose keywords are, not surprisingly, "geometric, bold, statement, malachite, coral, lapis", does exactly that. Sofia is a dialogue between geometry and grace, whose spaces are punctuated by black enamel, clean cuts of red coral, malachite and lapis lazuli. Early 20th-century deco that goes hand in hand with the more recent trend
Lorenza Scalisi, Editor VO+