Pisa and Angeletti: Better Physical than Digital

Chiara Pisa, Ceo Pisa Orologeria, Milan.
«When we opened the "Jewelry Lounge" inside Pisa Orologeria, we were very careful to select top brands that could satisfy all tastes. Nowadays, the distinctive features of a jewelry store and, in our case, also watches, are: the ability to anticipate the customer's requests, to propose valid alternatives to an initial idea, to discover unprecedented shapes and color combinations thanks to the variability of the offer.»
Marcello Angeletti, Ceo Angeletti, Rome.
«We create our own jewelry lines alongside well-known brands but with exclusive registered designs as an alternative to traditional Italian jewelry collections. We need to act at the same speed as changes in fashion and technology. The customer is constantly looking for an emotional shopping experience in addition to the jewelry experience. It is up to us to know how to do this with professionalism, courtesy, competence and the ability to understand their true needs.»
Lorenza Scalisi, Editor VO+